Melanin determines the eye color

implant iris

Variations in the human’s eye color, which has an incredibly wide range amongst animals, is essentially due to the nature and the quantity of melanin contained in the iris. Thanks to this anti-UV, this circular membrane can play the same role as a camera’s diaphragm: by contracting more or less, the iris changes the diameter of its central opening, the pupil, and regulates the light flow hitting the retina. Different nuances of the iris, from blue to brown, grey to purple, are due to the melanin concentration in its two forms which is produced by cells called melanocytes. A low quantity of melanin in the iris will give it a blue color thanks to an optical effect similar to the one that makes the sky look blue. In case of total absence of melanin, which is the case with certain albino persons, the iris becomes pink, just like its blood vessels. The green color could be linked to the presence of another pigment. Things get complicated when it comes to explaining why blue iris sometimes have circled dark spots.

Implant iris can provide you with an eye color change procedure, contact us for more information.

This diversity lets us know that the eye color is more complex than what we’re told about the “blue eye gene”. Other genes are still to discover, they could explain those spots’ localization and the intensity of the iris’ pigmentation.

Lasik : the pros


The Lasik procedure allows :

  • A finer cutting of the cornea

The femtosecond laser can cut a 100 to 120 microns thick lamella, the mechanical microkeratome can only cut a 160 microns thick lamella. The thickness of the cornea remaining under the flap being more important, the excimer laser has more cornea thickness to work with to treat the visual defect which has the advantage of enlarging the indications and increase the diameter of the treatment site in order to reduce unwanted aftereffect during nighttime.

Is ophthalmic migraine caused by a vision defect ?

ophtalmic-migraine-tunisiaEven if a vision defect such as hyperopia can sometimes cause headaches, those have nothing to do with migraines’ pain.

Ophthalmic migraine

Migraines can sometimes be the cause of visual manifestations such as luminous dots or dark spots. This is called ophthalmic migraine.

The vision troubles induced are more or less important, the can have different forms. Luminous dots, or dark spots is the visual field. Partial vision loss can sometimes occur 5 to 30 minutes before the ophthalmic migraine.

Careful when wearing colored contact lenses

colored-contact-lensesColored contact lenses and fantasy lenses are well-known product that seduces people for an occasional use. But did you know those lenses require the same level of maintenance than corrective contact lenses ?

Laser in ophthalmology

laser_eye_surgeryLaser surgery (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is destined to correct vision problems such as:

  • Nearsightedness : images are not produced on the retina but in front of it
  • Farsightedness : images focus behind the retina
  • Astigmatism: abnormal curvature of the cornea, close and distant objects are difficult to see

Night vision

Cause of bad night vision- TREAT TUNISIA

Before you can see something in the dark, it is preferable to let the eyes accommodate for half an hour without looking to light sources. It is also preferable to use peripheral vision and concentrate on contours, movements and any abnormal forms. Ideally, objects must be seen starting from the bottom to get a better view of their contours and use a scanning technique. Motorists are concerned by night vision. If most of the accidents occur during night time, it’s partly because of bad visibility, traffic is of course not the issue at night. Lighting of the road is spaced to avoid blinding the driver. Infra-red detection systems are being installed to improve night vision.

Cause of bad night vision

A bad night vision can be caused by a myopia or a presbyopia; a myopia being the incapacity to distinguish distant objects. The natural lens and cornea are dilated. Light doesn’t converge directly on the retina, which causes bad vision. Myopia can affect children from the age of 4. The signs of myopia are clear. The person affected will ready very close to a book and will frown the eyebrows to see clearly. This person will also get close to the TV to watch shows. The origin of this condition can be vascular or pathological, it can be treated. Presbyopia is a vision anomaly that disables close range vision. It changes into a myopia after the age of 40. A lot of lenses are prescribed for presbyopia including bifocals, progressive contact lenses with a lens for distant and close vision.

Implant Iris can provide you with laser surgery of the eye to treat myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism.

Exercises to improve vision


Exercises to improve vision exist since dozens of years and we can find traces in articles dating from 1920. Part of these exercises aren’t made to improve vision, but to take care of them make them less tired, which will indirectly improve vision. We all spend an awful lot of time in front of the computer screen or fixing something too close to our eyes, this habit tires the eyes a lot, it is therefore very important to take breaks every now and then to relax the eyes and avoid damaging them. Every 3 hours is a good period of time if you work in front of the computer, as an electrician or sewing. During this pause, fix a point that is far during a few seconds, go back to normal and try this a few times more. You can then close your eyes and make them move up and down during a minute. This way, the eyes will get tired less quickly and will take less damage from work, which will improve your vision if you suffer from eye strain.

Vitamin A can be found in carrots, cabbage, spinach and other green vegetables. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruit, kiwi, green pepper, broccoli, red fruit etc. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable fat and cereals.

Improving vision is as you might have understood an everyday work. Resting the eyes when necessary and having a good diet are the key elements to a good vision. Implant Iris can treat any eye condition you may suffer from, we are also able to change the eye color.

Tips for healthy eyes

The eyesight is precious, and preserving it as long as possible doesn’t require large efforts. A few habits and daily precautions can keep your eyes healthy.

Protect yourself against ultraviolet light

Exposure to sunrays without protection can cause premature cataract, damage to the retina (UV rays are a suspected risk factor for age related macular degeneration). Sunglasses have to filter UVA and UVB with CE norm.